N° 67 - Maigrir par l'équilibre alimentaire: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
diet illusion
Coming up with a diet chart is not easy. If armed with a pendulum, the diet candidate asks himself the question of whether he can eat the Paris-Brest he sees in the window, the answer he determines will be as appropriate as the truth to the ability to his car to drive 1000 km. It will be no if there is no gasoline in the tank, even if the vehicle is new. So, no, we do not have a dial suggesting foods, dishes and other preparations to allow you to make awesome and guaranteed dowsing choices on invoice.
On the other hand, it seems fairer to us to promote the general balance by giving the candidate the possibility of reflection and creativity in the face of his eating habits which have provoked in him this desire to practice a diet.
Once the proposal for a balanced diet has been determined, if the candidate wants to refine this result, the pendulum will always be the basic tool which will show him that if a food is suitable for him for a period envisaged, the quantity he chooses could be a nothing too high, or too low.
Not only will a balanced diet lead the candidate to his goal, but it will do so in the ideal way to avoid the vagaries of a miracle diet seen on TV or in the Thursday weekly slimming supplement.
Other than that, no one else has the key to which diet is right for you. The dowsing will bring you the certainty that you are not mistaken! How comfortable, right?…
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
P.S.: due to the recent publication of this graph, it is not included in Servranx Graphics or in Fostering its objectives.
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