N° 68 - Bilan Alimentaire: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
Finding the truth
If we consult the specialists, we are immediately confronted with violent opposition reminiscent of the wars of religion!
The working human being would need 2,300 to more than 3,000 calories daily, in healthy foods, some official scientists tell us. And, in our climates, up to 4,700 calories for hard workers.
Profound error, says the Japanese professor, who claims that 800 to 1,000 calories a day is enough if the diet consists mainly of cereals, a few well-fried vegetables, with a lot of sea salt, very little water, no any fruit or raw vegetables. And to give us the example of athletes from his country as well as Western doctors, cured by his method.
Heresy, doctors and other eminent hygienists. Salt is a terrible poison. Cereals should be reduced to a minimum and eat mostly raw fruits, salads and some nuts. The Hounza of Asia, the Guarini of South America thus retain the fullness of their abilities until advanced ages!
Each school has its adepts, who have cured themselves of diseases reputed to be incurable, by diametrically opposed practices. Everyone seems to be right from their point of view, but both speak of different beings or refer to simplified ways of life, which it would be difficult to generalize in the world in which we live.
Most people are chained to the habits and routines of their environment, to the resources and possibilities of their family, few are those who could, without drama in their home and keeping the work that makes them live, radically modify their diet.
We have always refused to take sides between opposing theses. But for years, we have shown dowsers that they can, with their pendulum, achieve the nutritional balance that suits them best, starting from their way of life and without having to abandon their family, their city or their occupations.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
P.S.: due to the recent publication of this graph, it is not included in Servranx Graphics or in Fostering its objectives.
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