N° 16 - Joie de vivre: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
For a joy of living by mental synthesis ONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT
Chart of dowsing that will give you the joy of living while stri...
For a joy of living by mental synthesis
Chart of dowsing that will give you the joy of living while strictly respecting your desires, your morals and your philosophy of life. Your mind will be strong enough to thwart worries and hassles and you will be able, when you wish, to reinforce one or the other quality of life shown on the graph.
This very important graph makes it possible to provide the subject, or yourself, with an additional "active mental equivalent" of the different qualities taken up in each of the sectors of our graph.
From the first sessions, you will realize the fabulous powers that this graph can give you. Whether you need a renewed faith in your abilities, whether you want to abolish stubborn stage fright (courage) or whether you want to strengthen your magnetism, in three or four sessions you will be able to use your mind with much more seasoned personal strength. which will lead you with ease to the goals you have set for yourself. By reading all the words on the graph, you can easily imagine the number of combinations that exist to improve the personality of an individual.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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