Oscillating circuits at your service ONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT
Here is a completely surprising graph, which was developed by Willi...
Oscillating circuits at your service
Here is a completely surprising graph, which was developed by William Servranx according to the principles of oscillating circuits discovered by Georges Lakhowsky. These oscillating circuits provide the energy you need in all areas.
Utilizing all the cosmic ray intricacies necessary for life taken in the fullest sense, this graphic additionally has two amplifiers that will maintain close contact between the subject and their remedy, whatever that may be.
The amplifier located in the center of the oscillating circuits will receive the witness-remedy or the remedy itself. The amplifier located in front of the opening of the 8 oscillating circuits will receive the witness of the subject benefiting from the waves of the remedy.
The flexibility and ease of use of this chart make people appreciate its help in many circumstances:
- in any emergency
- for you, for your family, to promote healing, a state of mind necessary for various life circumstances...
- for your pets
- in agriculture, for the barnyard, for livestock...
This chart can be used by anyone, even those unfamiliar with dowsing.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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