N° 50 - Cosmos 2000: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
All the influences of the cosmos to develop your gift of clairvoyanceONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT
The stars influence us and bring us t...
All the influences of the cosmos to develop your gift of clairvoyance
The stars influence us and bring us their energies that we sometimes lack. This chart also promotes clairvoyance. Whether you are sighted or not, this chart will help you.
It is specially designed by Félix and William Servranx to encourage anyone, sighted or not, to sharpen their sensitivity and to help them on the path to clairvoyance. It should be known that clairvoyance is not a particular gift to certain people, but a potential that everyone can develop if they sincerely desire it.
From this reasoning, the Servranx brothers understood that if man listened to these influences coming from the cosmos, and if he sincerely made the effort to want to understand them in order to interpret them, that would make far more of us are fully competent seers.
However, sometimes you need a little push. This boost, here it is in the form of this graphic. This new tool that you have just acquired operates on the principle of a radio telescope constantly listening to the slightest message of life from the cosmos. The difference is that it does not transmit to the interested party (the subject) encrypted data but a series of information in the form of waves that accustom it to constantly listening to what makes us human. . After some time, trained to harden his sensitivity and his listening, the subject becomes more and more clairvoyant with all that this entails in terms of personal advantages or not. Little by little the subject will come to interpretations and very quickly, he will be able to feel, foresee, imagine correctly the most diverse situations, from the most trivial to the most important.
This chart can be used by anyone, even those unfamiliar with dowsing.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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