N° 09 - Syntoniseur pour radiesthésie médicale: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
Research in medical dowsing
Is the chosen remedy really the best, the most effective among those that ha...
Research in medical dowsing
Is the chosen remedy really the best, the most effective among those that have been selected? You will know it immediately by using this ideal chart for quality medicine in the service of the patient.
This graph is used to further test the remedies you intend to prescribe to your patient. If a choice is necessary, you can refine it by subjecting it to the test of this graph. Very quickly you will know the remedy best suited to the case of your patient. You will be able to obtain: firstly, confirmation that it is indeed a valid remedy for the subject; second, a quantified idea of this validity, which will allow you to choose the remedy having obtained the highest rating; thirdly, a precise indication as to the best times for administering the remedy.
This graphic is intended for doctors who dows, pendulisers or wands, as well as for non-physician dowsers who wish to practice on their own behalf or on behalf of animals, with the consent of their owner.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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