N° HS 01 - Momificateur Delgado: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
mummify, amplify, emit ONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT Created by Pedro S. Ocana Delgado, this graphic has three functions:- Mummifier: the ...
mummify, amplify, emit
Created by Pedro S. Ocana Delgado, this graphic has three functions:
- Mummifier: the very center of this graphic emits negative Green which makes it an excellent mummifier for meats, fish, fruits, flowers, etc.
- Amplifier: it enhances and materializes as a decagon would. In the practice of Busby Pebbles, it is a real cosmic charger.
- Transmitter: the influences of things placed in the center are emitted clearly at a great distance.
With your bare hand, you can clearly perceive the influences that emanate from the center of this figure, i.e. a vertical wave recognizable by the Turenne pendulum, with a strong component of negative Green (V-) identifiable by the Chaumery Universal pendulum and from Belizeal. The "T" are alternately positive and negative, and are to be oriented in the direction of the cardinal points and their intermediaries.
Although this graphic can be used to revitalize and raise the vibratory rate of a person whose witness is placed on it, it seems preferable to use it to make the person's witness act with colors or metals placed on it. In the center. The witness of the person is then placed "on the side" between the center and the "T" of the periphery. This is because the very center of this graph is emitting Negative Green with such intensity that it could become harmful to the subject.
"In a remote experiment carried out with the great French dowser, Mr Charles François, of Vermanton, in Yonne (France), a color and metal emission was perfectly received at my place, in Plasencia, in Spain. On the one hand as on the other, we used this graph, which therefore served here as a receiver and there as a transmitter.
Several other dowsers have also been able to verify all these findings. It was moreover the opinion of Mr. François that this device, an excellent amplifier and vitalizer, deserved to be distributed." Pedro S. Ocana Delgado
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
Created by Pedro S. Ocana Delgado, this graphic has three functions:
- Mummifier: the very center of this graphic emits negative Green which makes it an excellent mummifier for meats, fish, fruits, flowers, etc.
- Amplifier: it enhances and materializes as a decagon would. In the practice of Busby Pebbles, it is a real cosmic charger.
- Transmitter: the influences of things placed in the center are emitted clearly at a great distance.
With your bare hand, you can clearly perceive the influences that emanate from the center of this figure, i.e. a vertical wave recognizable by the Turenne pendulum, with a strong component of negative Green (V-) identifiable by the Chaumery Universal pendulum and from Belizeal. The "T" are alternately positive and negative, and are to be oriented in the direction of the cardinal points and their intermediaries.
Although this graphic can be used to revitalize and raise the vibratory rate of a person whose witness is placed on it, it seems preferable to use it to make the person's witness act with colors or metals placed on it. In the center. The witness of the person is then placed "on the side" between the center and the "T" of the periphery. This is because the very center of this graph is emitting Negative Green with such intensity that it could become harmful to the subject.
"In a remote experiment carried out with the great French dowser, Mr Charles François, of Vermanton, in Yonne (France), a color and metal emission was perfectly received at my place, in Plasencia, in Spain. On the one hand as on the other, we used this graph, which therefore served here as a receiver and there as a transmitter.
Several other dowsers have also been able to verify all these findings. It was moreover the opinion of Mr. François that this device, an excellent amplifier and vitalizer, deserved to be distributed." Pedro S. Ocana Delgado
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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