N° 56 - Filtre horaire « Joannès »: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
Control the timing of your radionic emissionsONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT
Invented by Mr. Joannès, a close collaborator of the Servranx...
Control the timing of your radionic emissions
Invented by Mr. Joannès, a close collaborator of the Servranx brothers, and quoted in numerous works (in particular in The Healing Devices and Radionics and Remote Action), this very useful graph serves all radionicians whose numerous activities prevent a presence continues with a single case.
Indeed, it makes it possible to control the beginning and the end of a radionic emission in your absence. From then on, you no longer have to worry: the Joannès time filter ensures the smooth running of your programs
Its particular presentation allows it to be used in all cases of radionic wave emissions. All you have to do is place all or part of the transmitter you are using on the white part at the top of the graph. This is also valid for our radionics transmitter ERR 6-P (© Laboratoires Servranx).
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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