N° 57 - Omnibus 60: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
This graph, specially designed to help dowsers, is the most accurate for research in a...
Radiation separator
This graph, specially designed to help dowsers, is the most accurate for research in any field. It is, in dowsing, what is called a radiation separator. It is to complete yourself (or to specialize).
It has 60 boxes and is ideal for choosing from a large number of elements that can be represented succinctly such as formulas, symbols, simple and unique words, numbers, etc.
Using appropriate mental conventions, you will be able to determine a large number of data: minutes, hours, days, meters, kilometers, etc., up to 60.
Any research requiring more complex descriptions will preferably be made on an Omnibus 58a graph (comprising 36 boxes) or the 58b graph (comprising 24 boxes).
If you have a list of products, names, etc., assigning a number from 1 to 60, it will be enough to do the research on the graph and transfer the number indicated by the pendulum to the list. The Servranx brothers strongly advised never to do a search by elimination or by pointing on a list because it does not separate the different radiations it represents and therefore leads in most cases to errors.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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