N° 64 – Régénérateur cellulaire: NOTICE ANGLAISE ONLY
Energize and energize the power of organic cells ONLY ENGLISH TRANSLATION IN PDF FORMAT
There is hardly a day when, in our entourage, we do not ...
Energize and energize the power of organic cells
There is hardly a day when, in our entourage, we do not hear these same phrases repeated: “I am exhausted”, “What have I to be always so tired”, “I literally lack spring! Others, more inconvenienced or, let's say it, more seriously affected, are bothered by shooting pains in various parts of the body.
These sad observations are of a general order; not a region, not a country seems to be spared from this scourge which is in reality exhaustion (physical and moral weariness and gloom of human beings). Even more curiously, the other kingdoms of nature, according to their aspects or their characteristics, also seem to be indirectly affected.
A lack of vitality, of resistance, in a word of health, is therefore found not only in humans, but also in animals and in the plant world.
The causes of this progressive degeneration are multiple, but one of the main ones is certainly the increasingly stale air that we breathe.
Whether by pollution or by radiation of harmful waves to the vital rhythm, it is certain that these various manifestations are harmful to our health, disorganizing, paralyzing or destroying every day an increasing number of organic cells, this both in the human, animal and plant world.
It is for these imperative reasons – and with good reason, I think – that I have endeavored to develop an assembly capable of regenerating the organic cell, an element which is the basis of any constitution. To restore a balanced vibratory rhythm, to stabilize the function of certain cells, to energize and energize the very power of these organic cells, is in short to restore a quality and a power of work far superior to any micro-organism which constitutes the only guarantee of life.
Of course, let's not cry victory, let's not hope, with this drawing alone, to succeed in overcoming all the disturbances and let's try to remain logical in the face of a problem whose importance more than one researcher will recognize, but also all the difficulty. However, the experimental results that I have achieved, both in the human and plant domain, are most encouraging and allow us to trust this process.
All those who would like to experiment and especially deepen the question of cellular regeneration will find more details and information in the Beauty and Rejuvenation book by the Servranx brothers and their associates.
This chart can be used by anyone, even those unfamiliar with dowsing.
Size 33 x 24.5 cm - 300 g plastic-coated cardboard. Front: the graphic. Back: instructions for use.
You will find in the book The Servranx graphics all the detailed graphics as well as articles written by specialists.
Also read: Fostering Your Goals, a truly comprehensive book that details how each chart works.
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